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The FromWatchRtEntity@1 node watch for changes in the OctoMesh Asset Repository and triggers the execution of the transformation pipeline.

Adapter Prerequisites

Node Configuration

For fields path, targetPath, targetValueWriteMode, and targetValueKind, see Overview.

- type: FromWatchRtEntity@1
updateTypes: UPDATE # The type of change to watch for, can be INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE, DELETE, or a combination of these
ckTypeId: OctoSdkDemo/Customer # The type of entity to watch for changes
rtId: 65d5c447b420da3fb12381bb # OPTIONAL: The runtime ID of the entity to watch for changes
beforeFieldFilters: # OPTIONAL: Filters to apply to the entity before changes are applied
- field: name # The field to filter
value: "John Doe" # The value to filter
operator: EQ # The operator to use for the filter
afterFieldFilters: # OPTIONAL: Filters to apply to the entity after changes are applied
- field: name # The field to filter
value: "Jane Doe" # The value to filter
operator: EQ # The operator to use for the filter
  • Field operator is of type FieldFilterOperatorDto, all values are valid in CONSTANT_NAME format.
  • Field updateTypes is of type UpdateType, all values are valid in CONSTANT_NAME format.


This example triggers the pipeline when a change is detected in the Customer entity. The Logger transformation logs a message to the log.

- type: FromWatchRtEntity@1
description: Retrieve changes from db
updateTypes: UPDATE
ckTypeId: OctoSdkDemo/Customer
- type: Logger@1
message: "Log message" # Message to write to the log