Namespace: Meshmakers.Octo.Communication.Contracts.DataTransferObjects
Represents a field filter operator.
public enum FieldFilterOperatorDto
Inheritance Object → ValueType → Enum → FieldFilterOperatorDto
Implements IComparable, ISpanFormattable, IFormattable, IConvertible
Name | Value | Description |
Equals | 0 | Equals |
NotEquals | 1 | Not equals |
LessThan | 2 | Less than |
LessEqualThan | 3 | Less or equal than |
GreaterThan | 4 | Greater than |
GreaterEqualThan | 5 | Greater or equal than |
In | 6 | In |
NotIn | 7 | Not in |
Like | 8 | Like (string comparison) |
MatchRegEx | 9 | Regular expression match (string comparison) |
AnyEq | 10 | Arrays: Any element equals |
Match | 11 | Matches documents that contain an array field with at least one element that matches all the specified query criteria. |