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Node CreateUpdateInfo@1 is used to create an update info object in the payload. Update info objects are used to track changes in the data for OctoMesh's Asset Repository and Time Series Repository.

Adapter Prerequisites

Node Configuration

For fields path, targetPath, targetValueWriteMode, and targetValueKind, see Overview.

- type: CreateUpdateInfo@1
targetPath: _updateItems # Path where the update info object should be stored in the payload
targetValueKind: Array # The target value kind, should be an array to store multiple update info objects
targetValueWriteMode: Append # The target value write mode, should be 'Append' to add the update info object to the array
updateKind: UPDATE # The update kind, should be 'UPDATE' to indicate an update, other options are 'INSERT'
rtId: 5fc8fda18b2fc75f925e21af # The runtime ID of the asset that should be updated, if updateKind is 'UPDATE'
rtIdPath: $.assetId # The path to the runtime ID in the payload, any valid JSON path is allowed. This property can be defined instead of the rtId property
rtWellKnownNamePath: $.Name # the path to the runtime well known name in the payload; this property has an index in the database
ckTypeId: Industry.Energy/Photovoltaic.Module # The CK type ID of the asset that should be updated, if updateKind is UPDATE
timestampPath: $.timestamp # The path to the timestamp in the payload, any valid JSON path is allowed
attributeUpdates: # The attribute updates that should be applied to the asset, multiple updates are allowed
- attributeName: PeakPower # The name of the attribute that should be updated
attributeValueType: Double # The value type of the attribute that should be updated
valuePath: $.productionPower # The path to the value in the payload, any valid JSON path is allowed
value: "demo" # A constant value that should be used. This property can be defined instead of the valuePath property