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Version: 1.0.0


The priority of an alarm is a measure of its importance relative to other alarms. The priority of an alarm is used to determine the order in which alarms are presented to the operator.
0UndefinedNo priority has been assigned to the alarm.
1LowThe alarm is of low priority.
2MediumThe alarm is of medium priority.
3HighThe alarm is of high priority.
4CriticalThe alarm is of critical priority.


The source of an alarm is the entity that is responsible for the alarm.
0UndefinedNo source has been assigned to the alarm.
1FieldDeviceThe alarm is generated by a field device.
2ControlSystemThe alarm is generated by a control system.
3HMIThe alarm is generated by a human-machine interface.
4InternalThe alarm is generated by an internal source.


The state of an alarm is a measure of the alarm's current status.
0UndefinedNo state has been assigned to the alarm.
1NormalThe normal state should not use an audible indication. The normal state visual indication should be the same as indications without alarms.
2UnacknowledgedThe unacknowledged alarm state should use both an audible indication and visual indication. The audible indication should be silenced with a silence action or acknowledge action by the operator. The visual indication should be clearly distinguishable from the normal state indication by using colours and symbols (e.g., shape or text). The visual indication for an unacknowledged alarm should include a blinking element. There are some environments in which an audible indication is not an effective indicator of unacknowledged alarms.
3AcknowledgedThe acknowledged alarm state should not use an audible indication. The acknowledged alarm state visual indication should be clearly distinguishable from the normal state indication by using symbols (e.g., shape or text), and should be identical in colour to the unacknowledged alarm indication. A blinking element should not be used in the visual indication for an acknowledged alarm.
4ReturnToNormalThe return-to-normal unacknowledged state should not use an audible indication. The return to-normal unacknowledged state visual indication may be the same as the normal state or it may indicate an unacknowledged status with a blinking element.
5ShelvedThe shelved alarm state should be visually indicated in the HMI. The visual indication for a shelved alarm should not include a blinking element. The shelved alarm state indication should be distinct. No audible indication should be used to identify shelved alarms.
6SuppressedByDesignThe suppressed-by-design alarm state should be visually indicated in the HMI. The visual indication for an alarm suppressed by design should not include a blinking element. The suppressed-by-design alarm state indication should be distinct from the unacknowledged and acknowledged state indications. No audible indication should be used to identify alarms suppressed by design.
7OutOfServiceThe out-of-service alarm state should be visually indicated in the HMI. The visual indication for an out-of-service alarm should not include a blinking element. The out-of-service alarm state indication should be distinct from the unacknowledged and acknowledged state indications. No audible indication should be used to identify out-of-service alarms.


The type of an alarm is a measure of the nature of the alarm.
0UndefinedNo type has been assigned to the alarm.
1AbsoluteThe alarm is based on an absolute value.
2DeviationThe alarm is based on a deviation from a set-point.
3RateOfChangeThe alarm is based on the rate of change of a value.
4DiscrepancyThe alarm is based on a discrepancy between two values.
5CalculatedThe alarm is based on a calculated value.
6RecipeDrivenThe alarm is based on a recipe-driven value.
7BitPatternThe alarm is based on a bit pattern.
8ControllerOutputThe alarm is based on a controller output.
9SystemDiagnosticThe alarm is based on a system diagnostic.
10InstrumentDiagnosticThe alarm is based on an instrument diagnostic.
11AdjustableThe alarm is based on an adjustable value.
12AdaptiveThe alarm is based on an adaptive value.
13ReAlarmingThe alarm is based on a re-alarming value.
14StatisticalThe alarm is based on a statistical value.
15FirstOutThe alarm is based on a first-out value.
16BadMeasurementThe alarm is based on a bad measurement.

