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Start creating libraries

There are two ways to create a new construction kit, using a .NET project template or using the compiler.

Create with project template

New construction kits can be created using the project template. The template can be installed from NuGet:

dotnet new install Meshmakers.Octo.ConstructionKit.Templates

To install a specific version of the template, use the following command:

dotnet new install Meshmakers.Octo.ConstructionKit.Templates::0.0.2312.12001

Create a new project with your favorite development environment, the template should be available as OctoMesh Construction Kit Library, alternatively you can use the following command:

dotnet new ConstructionKit -n <name of project>

Build the project, a new construction kit gets created within the folder ConstructionKit in the project root.

Create with the compiler

Install the compiler

The compiler can be installed from NuGet:

dotnet tool install meshmakers.Octo.ConstructionKit.Compiler --global # global available
dotnet tool install meshmakers.Octo.ConstructionKit.Compiler --local --create-manifest-if-needed # local available

You can also install a specific version of the compiler:

dotnet tool install meshmakers.Octo.ConstructionKit.Compiler --global --version 0.0.2312.12001 # global available
dotnet tool install meshmakers.Octo.ConstructionKit.Compiler --local --version 0.0.2312.12001 --create-manifest-if-needed # local available

Globally the tool gets available as octo-ckc, locally as dotnet octo-ckc.

Create a new construction kit with the following command:

octo-ckc -c new -p '<path of directory for construction kit>'

Edit a construction kit

Construction kits can be edited with your favorite development environment. The construction kit files are located in the ConstructionKit folder in the project root. Files are typically described in yaml format. The following elements are available:

  • CkModel: Describes the id of the model and dependencies to other models.
  • CkEnums: Describes the enums of the model (id, descriptions, values, etc.)
  • CkRecords: Describes the records of the model (id, descriptions, assigned attributes, etc.)
  • CkAttributes: Describes the attributes of the model (id, descriptions, data types, etc.)
  • CkAssociations: Describes the associations of the model (id, descriptions, cardinality, etc.)
  • CkTypes: Describes the types of the model (id, descriptions, assigned attributes and associations, etc.)

There are json schema files available for the construction kit files. These files can be used to validate the construction kit files. The schema files are available in the ConstructionKit.Contracts project.

It is recommended to split construction kits into multiple files. It is a good practise to separate attributes/associations for specific use-cases in multiple files and to use for each enum/record/type a separate file.

Compile a construction kit

When using the project template, the construction kit gets compiled automatically when building the project.

When using the compiler, the construction kit can be compiled with the following command:

octo-ckc -c compile -p '<path of directory for construction kit>'

The compiler checks conformity of the construction kit files to the json schema files and consistency of the model to the dependencies and within the model. If the construction kit files are not valid, the compiler will throw an error.

In the ConstructionKit folder, a new file with the model id name gets created.

Import to OctoMesh

OctoMesh can import construction kits. The import can be done with the octo-cli tool. octo-cli is a command line utility to manage OctoMesh as a admin.

To install the tool, use chocolatey or Windows Package Manager with the following command:

winget install -e --id meshmakers.octo-cli
# or
choco install octo-cli

Depending on the installation method of OctoMesh, the tool needs to be configured to use the correct endpoints. The following command configures the tool to use the default endpoints of OctoMesh:

octo-cli -c Config -asu "https://localhost:5001/" -isu "https://localhost:5003/" -bsu "https://localhost:5009/" -csu "https://localhost:5015" -tid "meshtest"

Hint: The parameter -tid defines the used tenant.

Next, the tool needs to be logged in to OctoMesh. The following command logs in to OctoMesh using an administrator account:

octo-cli -c Login -i

Optional: Create a new tenant in OctoMesh:

octo-cli -c Create -tid meshtest -db meshtest

Hint: To delete tenants, use the following command:

octo-cli -c delete -tid meshtest

After the tenant is created, the API of Asset Repository can be used to access data of the tenant. https://localhost:5001/tenants/meshtest/graphql/playground

To import a construction kit, use the following command:

octo-cli -c importck -f ./ck-sample2.yaml -w

Hint: The parameter -f defines the path to the construction kit file that has been created by the octo-ckc compiler.