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Work with Queries

Queries facilitate the retrieval and modification of data within OctoMesh. When a query is created in the Admin Panel, a Construction Kit Type (CkType)—for example, a Person—is defined. The query then encompasses all instances of this type as well as any specialized variants. Within the query, the attributes to be displayed as columns can be configured, along with any relevant filter conditions and sorting orders.

Insert Query Data into Excel

A query is stored in OctoMesh and can therefore be reused. In Excel, select "Insert data from query" from the "Query" group. This action opens a side panel where the name of the query can be searched. By clicking "Insert data", the configured columns of the chosen query are inserted at the position of the currently focused cell in Excel.


Each work book may contain multiple queries, but a query can only be inserted once per worksheet.


A worksheet may contain query data or dynamic enum data, but not both at the same time.

Synchronize Query Data with OctoMesh

This function updates the data in the current Excel worksheet to match the latest version stored in OctoMesh. To begin, select "Synchronize" from the "Query" group. A side pane will open, allowing the use of "Diff" to detect changes between the local version and the data in OctoMesh. The side pane displays the number of new, changed, or deleted records. If changes are found, selecting "Sync" will update the local Excel data. Modified cells are highlighted in yellow, and these markings can be removed afterward by clicking "Remove markings".

Publish Data to OctoMesh

This function transfers the data from the current Excel worksheet back to OctoMesh. Choose "Publish" from the "Query" group to open a side pane. Clicking "Sync" searches for changes in the worksheet compared to the originally inserted data. After differences are identified, selecting "Publish" transfers these modifications to OctoMesh. All columns of the updated rows are then refreshed on the OctoMesh side. Unchanged rows are not automatically updated.