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Configure user secrets

To start debugging and developing the OctoMesh, it is needed to configure some secrets in the development environment.

The secrets contain passwords for the following accounts:

  • Admin account (octo-system-admin): This account is used to create new databases.
  • Data source accounts (octo-system-ds-user-{0}): This account is created for each database.
    The {0} is the name of the database in MongoDB.

If JetBrains Rider is used there is the plugin .NET User Secrets which simplifies the configuration. It adds the following options under tools in the context menu.

  • Initialize User Secrets
  • Open Project User Secrets

Add the following secrets to the projects listed below:

"System:AdminUserPassword": "OctoAdmin1",
"System:DatabaseUserPassword": "OctoUser1"

We use the same Secret ID for all projects. So if you have configured one project, the settings are reused.